Life Connections 

 Life Connections groups consist of eight people gathering together at least once a quarter to simply do life together. Life Connections are designed to edify believers by connecting them on a deep level and helping them to become more like Jesus Christ. When you attend or join a Life Group, you can expect a warm time of food, fellowship, discussion, and prayer. Life Groups are open to all Christians and those seeking or investigating Jesus Christ and His message. Long-term trust and relationships are nurtured, and loving support and accountability as followers of Jesus Christ are cultivated on an ongoing basis. Another goal is to evangelize by offering another venue, besides that of the regular Sunday church service, which may be initially less intimidating to seekers, newcomers, and those interested in finding out more about God and Jesus. Each group’s activities are planned by our Connections leaders: Rusty Kramer, Shelly Ross, Dan & Barb Shoemaker, and Scott & Jenny Walton. The frequency of events will be determined by each group but will meet no less than once a quarter. Every time the group meets, time will be spent building relationships, growing through discussions, and making an impact by supporting each other through prayer and service. As a result, the group members experience growth, belonging, and care. Life Groups create an opportunity for you to pursue healthy relationships and spiritual growth. Occasionally, Pastor Mike will meet with group leaders for accountability and updates. To be included in a group, simply talk to one of our group leaders:

Rusty Kramer: (402)340-6732

Shelly Ross: (402-340-7440

Scott & Jennifer Walton: (402)340-9249 or (402)340-5338

Sign up today


Let The Journey Begin.